Monday, January 23, 2006

Enloe High School Class of 1986 - Looking for Alumni

Latest update: May 12, 10:42am

The status of classmates on this page is out of date. The updated status for the reunion is now being tracked on the Wiki site.

By default, I have ended up in charge of locating folks for the William G. Enloe High School Class of 1986 20th Year Reunion. All of this is being posted here to get these names into the search engines. For everyone else, I apologize for eating your bandwidth.

Below is a list of all alumni that we know of from the class. The actual contact information is posted on the semi-private, class-only home page.

  • Names in the first group are of people that we have absolutely no information about.
  • Names in the second group are people that we have contact information from the 10-year reunion, but nothing since. Postcards have been sent to those old addresses, and we expect most of them will move to the first or last column eventually.
  • Names in the third group we believe we may have some contact information for - gleaned from the web, phone books, etc. - and we're in the process of contacting them. This list is expected to diminish just like the second column.
  • Names in the last group have been found and confirmed.
  • Names in bold have recently moved from one list to another.
  • (1/27) I've added married/changed names when I know them. The format is First Original (New), since we all know you by your 1986 name.
  • (2/22) Now tracking RSVPs. Names in green in the Found! group are confirmed attending. Names in red are confirmed not able to attend.
Please contact me if you know someone here - especially someone in the first three columns. Also, please see these pages:

No information

Janice Carol Allen
Anthony Allred
Chris Alvarez
Angela Andrew
Parker Andrews
Laurie Ardis
Raymond Artis
Darnell Baker
Laura Ballance
Michael Barbee
Wayne Batten
Belinda Battle
Lance Bell
Rodna Wrenn Bishop
Wanda Blackman (Hampton)
Lore Bleft
Tina Bolick
Michael Bonelli
Jessica Bowes
Devra Branch
Arnold Brantilly
Jeff Breeden
Marcus Britt
Randy Brock
Alecia Brower
Michael Buchin
Gerald Bullock
John Bullock
Desi Campbell
Karon Canady
Sharon Canady
Catherine Cates
Andrew Chappell
In-Sung Cho
Lawrence Christmas
Tyrone Christmas
Charlton Clarkson
Martin Clemons

Mary Coble
Melissa Cogan
Sonya Culver

Clinton Davis
James Davis
Petrina Davis

Sherry Deberry
Gregory Dickerson
Sherry Dickerson
Reginald Dudley
Purvis Dunn
Maurice Durham
Tracey Eason
Kim Edwards
Chip Ellis
Kimberly Epley
James Eubanks
Tonya Evans
Matthias Fankhauser

Karen Faulkner
Elena Felder

James Ferrell
Gwyn Finch
Laura Fishpaw
Roderic Fowler

Michael Frontiero
Evelyn Garcia
Pamela Gillespie
Sharron Gilliam
Ronnie Glover
Angelia Gordon
Mary Griffin
Dolly Gursharan
Heidi Gutt
Christine Hagwood
Melanie Hales
Michelle Harper
Pamela Harris
Michael Harrison
Brian Haynes
Julian Haywood
Sonya Hodge
Vonda Holder
Charles Horne
Kenneth Horton
Michael Howell
Dena Hubbard
Meloni Hunnicutt
Tammy Hunnicutt (Pope)
Christopher Hunt
John Hunter
Aundrea Jacobs
Dondi Jeffers
Divida Johnson
Ellen Johnson
Anthony Jones
Jacqueline Jones
Michelle Jones
David Jordan

Krista Kasdorf-Connard
Dolly Kaur
Terence Kearney
Kenneth Keever
Sherry Kittrell
Sandra Kluttz
Amy Lamm
Martha Lancaster
Jamilah Land
Pam Lassiter
Ronald Laws
Laura Lee

William Lee
Katherine Ann Lloyd
David Logan
Lisa Macomber
George Mahurin
Andrew Maness
Ann Michelle Matheny
Ashlee McClain
Timothy McCray
Robert McCuIlers
Lillianne McDonald
Cari Merritt
Audra Mickens
Jimena Mitchell

Marguita Mitchell
Reggie Montgomery
Barbara Moore
Donald Moore
Richard Morgan
Martha Mulholland
Valerie Nance
Will Oates
Kent Oglesby
Darrell O'Neal
Sara Oppenheim

Diana Ostrander
Warren Palley
Debra Parker
Edward Percival
Sheronda Pernell
Kimberly Perry

Ronnie Peterson
Stacey Philp
Stephanie Pipkin
Miriam Prescott
Katherine Pysher

Rebecca Reeder
Addie Reid
Elfonza (David) Rhodes
Vernita Richardson
Derek Robinson
Andrew Ross
Larry Rowland
Katherine Sabre
Grady Sanders
Gregory Saulter
Maria Selsor
Paul Sexton

Amold Stokley

Shanda Stroud
Shema Sumner
Stephanie Swisher
Donald Taylor
Edward Taylor
Lawrence Taylor

Lucy Terrell
David Thomas
Rochelle Turrentine
Kim Uhorchak
Amy Walker
Carol Walker
Mary Wall

Chris Warner
Page Warner
Patricia Watkins
Vincent Wells
Darryl Whitaker
Anetta Wieft
Jack Williams
Reginald Williams

Pamela Wood
Annetta Wright
Cassandra Wright

Tammy Wynne
Sherry Yarborough
Nothing in 10 Years
Eric Algood
Laurenta Allen
Robert Anderson
Diana Barbee
Haywood Boddie
John (Doug) Boyette
Michael Cahall
William (Randy) Choplln
Martin Ciemons
Dwayne Collins
Stephanie Critcher
Anita Deaver
Sylvia Douglass
Bobby Foil
Scott Forster
Trevor Garner
Alfreda Gist

Artis Glenn
Elizabeth Gourley (Read)
Scott Hawke
Audrey Hicks (Grindstaff)
Frederick (Tad) Hines
Meloni Hinnant

Melvin (Craig) Hollifleld
Stefan Hulf
Linwood Jeffreys
Tasha Jiles
Lance Johnson
Mark Jones
Cynthia Kitchen
Diane Lewis

Linda Mack
Gregory Mann
Kathleen McHale
Craig McPherson
Carolyn Miller
Miriam Monk
Elizabeth Olejar
Laurence Purvine

Edward Roberts
Inessa Sanders
Theron Sharber

Margaret Smith
Suzanne Tolar
Vickie Wagner
Theodis (Lamont) Watkins
Kimberly Wiley

Some Leads
Doctor K Aal-Anubia
Carla Adams
Tonya Adams
Lorena Adcock
Eric Algood

Brigette Almonor
Eugene Armistead
Terry Austin
Brantley Blanchard
Johnny Blaylock
Mary Anne Boda
Kenneth Booker
Vernon Boykin
Angel Brantley
Cathy Bridges (Braswell)
George Browning
Scott Bryant
Colin Campbell
Kenneth Campbell
Anne Casterlin
Michael Chua
Amy Clark
William Conely
MichelIe Davis
James Debrull
Sherri Dodd (Tumicelli)
Walter Dozier
Richard Elliott
Anthony Evans
Patrick Ferracane
Robert Fussell
Wesley Garner

Jeffrey Gosztyla
Aron Gottlieb
John Grovenstein
Gregory Gulas
Henry (Hal) Hammond
James Hampton
Vicki High (Stuart)
Teresa Hodges
Peter Hotlhausen
Christopher Hunter
Wilbert Hunter
Kathleen Ide
Robert (Danny) Irlbeck
Scotty Johnson
Melinda Jones
Everette Jordan

Yong Lee
Timothy Little
Joy Ludwick (Chobot)
Graham Mainwaring
Sharon Mangum
Victor Matthews
Samuel Mauney
Thomas McGinnis
Michael McLean
Ivy McManus
Andre Montague
Keith Moore
Carole Murdock (Bass)
Anna Murphy
Anthony (Tony) Murray
Lashonda MurreIl
Todd Nuckolls
Anthony Outlaw
David Overton

Ryan Perry
Wanda Person
John Peterman
Philippe Proteau
Dewayne Sanders
Kanak Singh
Victor Carlyle Stewart
Richard Suggs
Laura Syria
Thornton Taylor
Christopher Terry
Eric Truesdale
Lisa Vockeroth

Shelley West
Donald (Greg) Wilder
Terri Williams
Tonya Wilson
green = attending the reunionred = unable to attend

Diana Aguirre (Watkins)
Janice Alford (Sherron)
Alisa Alston

Shannon (Benee) Allen (Connelly)
Alisa Alston
John (Zach) Ambrose
Theresa Anderson (Cozart)
Eugene Armistead
Sheletta Arrington-Harris
Michelle Barefoot (Gerringer)

Sara Beck (Zhong)
Ruth Belovicz (Roazen)
Sheila Bennett
Brian Bergin
Robert Binns
Steve Blackwood
Charles Brabec
Lore Bright (Price)
Waymond Burton
Judith Bush
Jeffrey Butterworth
Maria Casey (Glennon)
Vikas Chandra
Carole Chalifour
Claudia Chalmers (Hinson)
Sharon Churchill (McGee)
Steven Churchill
Clint Compton
Darin Cox
Tammy Dail (Waters)
Carla Davis
Donald Dearborn
Bobbie Debnam
Rosemarie Deleon (Tikvart)
Ameet Dhillon
John Doherty
Alicia Easterling
Nancy Edwards (Musselman)
Persondra Edwards
Christopher Fairweather
George (Morsi) Flemming
Kathleen (Kathy) Foster (Newton)
Ruth Ann Freeman (Ulmer)
Willie Freeman
Albert (Gene) Furr
Russell Gantman
James (JC) Glasgow
Jinan Glasgow
Frank Godfrey

William Goodnight
Shelley Graham (Sanders)
Kirk Griffin
Sam Griffin
Sumedha (Sumi) Gupta (Ariely)
Belinda Haines
Tiersa Hall (Tavana)
Sirena Hardy
David Hawkins
Diana Lyn Heater
Mitzi Hembrick (Spell)
Andre Hinton
Jennelle Hollandsworth (Holland)
Adrian Holt
Robin Hudson
Lori Hutchins (Parkman)
Alicia Huyler (Sanders)
Marty Ingram
Kimberly Izzo (Hough)
Kenneth Earl Jeffries
Javord Jenkins
Lewis Johnson
Randall Johnson
Lin Jones
Paul Jones
Susan Keever (Borgesi)
Karen Kelley
Todd Kelley
Paul Keys
Crystal Killian (Lee)
Suzanne Lahl
Michelle Lamy (Pierce)
Heather Lang
Kimberly Lang (Perkins)
Charles Lanier
Karen Leach (Hunter)
Michael Leach
Kimberly Leonard (Drakeford)
Kendall Lloyd
Melanie Mann (West)
Michele Maroon
Christopher Martin
Lucretia Martin (Porter)
Cheryl McCall (Wiggins)
Candace McClain (Jones)
Preston McClain
Sharon McColl (Call)
Beverly McCollum
Jody McGee
Neal McKnight
Barry McNamera
Anna Marie Medlin (Heilig)
Stephen Migol
Bruce Minor
Steven Moody
David Mosier
Wayne (Eddie) Mullins
Erica Murkofsky
Christopher (Christine) Newton (Bush)
Peter Ng
Lien Nguyen
Loan Nguyen
Paul O'Keefe
Lisa O'Neil
Grace Oh (La)
Ray Osborne
Bob Page
Kimberly (Kim) Partin
Brian Payst
Luan Phillips (Cox)
Margaret (Meg) Poe
Sera Pritchard (Lewis)
J. Branson Prosser
John Ramsey
Chermayne Rayford (Hardaway)
Arthur Raymond
Andy Raynor
Gregory Reasoner (DeKoenigsberg)
Shauna Rempfer (Blevins)
Hyo Rhee
Lee Rink
Kim Rogers (Ware)
Joseph (Royden) Saah
David Sadi
John Sanford
David Savage
Michele (Micki) Schramm (Bare)
Robin Schulstad (Stanaway)
Sunjay Shah
Byron Shaw
Dana Shute
Leanne Simpkins
Alan Sims
James (Neal) Singletary
Kimberly Snell (Thompson)
David (Eric) Snider
Mark Richard Speranza
Marrissa Steele (McNeese)
Angie Stephenson
Mike Strickland
Ingrid Sullivan
Gary Sutton
Tammy Taylor (Martin)
Christopher Tector
Julian Thomas
Sharon Thomas
Nicholas Ulmer
Meredith Valentine
Monique Vandoonewaard (Neville)
Marvin Vines
Melissa Walker (Mack)
Amy Warner (Alfaro)
Angela Watson (Palmer)
Shawn Welch
Brian Welcker
Constance (Connie) White (Bridges)
John White
Michele Wilcenski
Scott Wilkinson
Nicola (Nikki) Willis
Jackie Windham (Bowlin)
Lisa Womack (Blackwood)
Lawrence (Larry) Wray

Victor Blue
Doyle Bridgers
Lance Dessasau
Tony Kearney
Ronald Laws
Silas Smith

Status on January 24: No information (115), Nothing in 10 years (157), Some Information (88), Found! (82)
Staus on April 11: No information (186), Nothing in 10 years (50) Some Information (88), Found! (155)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael Frontiero is on your list of Enloe graduates for whom you have no information.

If you still need information on him, please let me know.