Sunday, January 29, 2006

No Postcards Today

348 postcards sent out so far. About 40 returned. Today is the first day in over a week that no postcards will come from this address. I'm seeing them in my sleep.

I am now re-searching through real estate and legal records databases and phone directories based on information listed in the 10-year reunion handout (a remarkably poorly compiled and error-ridden document).

Some innovative hits so far
  • One classmate had an unusual first name. Although I could not find her in any directory. I finally did a web search on just her first name and got a single hit. She's working in a salon, so I've sent a postcard to her care of that salon.
  • One classmate did not show up in any directories, but his wife had a relatively unique first name. I looked up the combination of her first name and his last name and found a real estate agent with that name in the same city they lived in 10 years ago. That agency will also receive a postcard.
  • Several classmates are performers - in particular, one is in a pipe and drum corps and one is in a barbershop quartet. Emails have been sent to their booking agents.
Then there was this entertaining exchange (slightly edited to protect the not-so-innocent):
From D. to G.
Hi G.,
How are you? I see you've moved back to the Raleigh area.
Scott Wilkinson and others are spearheading an effort to reach everyone to let them know about the 20yr reunion.
Also, I was wondering if you were still in contact with K? I thought she might have contact info for J. I know they were good friends.

From G. to D.
Yeah, I've been back in Raleigh since, oh, 1997.
K. is in California now, working for Apple. Don't know if she's still keeping in touch with J. -- I'll pass this along to her.

From Scott to D.
As for J. and (blast from the past name) K., I knew both of them and actually dated K. for a while. It would be good to talk to her again, if you have a clue where she ended up.

From D. to Scott
Too funny. Do you have any idea the sheer number of people I know that
dated K.????!!! ... including myself and G. In the mid 90s
just about every guy I knew had dated her at some point. It got to the
point where some of us played 1 degree of K.

From Scott to D.
Yeah, well, I dated her first. 1985 or 1986 - something like that. Obviously ruined her for other men....

Filed in:

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